When people think of jobs in esports and gaming, they likely think of the flashier jobs in the industry. Jobs that people dream of in gaming would be to go pro, or to make a living off of platforms like Youtube or Twitch. Those are viable jobs in the industry, but they are highly competitive, similar to becoming a celebrity. There are many other jobs opportunities for people who want to be involved in the gaming industry they love. As an employee of the Amateur Esports Association, I am working for a company in the gaming industry, but as a blog writer. I don’t play video games as a part of my job directly, but being a long-term gamer gives me the knowledge I need to be able to work for the AEA.

There are thousands of different jobs a person can hold in the gaming industry, but let’s look at some of the highlights of different job types. Many of the below careers fit into multiple categories of job types as well.
Gaming Directly
Playing on a professional esports team
Coaching a professional esports team
Game testing for quality assurance of a new game
Live Streamer
Content Creator
Content Creation
Graphic Artist
Social Media Manager
Graphic designer
Game Design
Game designers
Software Developers
Computer Programmers
Social Media Strategist/Coordinator
Audio Engineers
Interpreters and Translators (for translating the in game language across countries)
Partnership Acquisition
Esports lawyer
Marketing Director
Information Technology (IT)
Market Research Analyst
Sales Representative
Event Planner

Most of the jobs listed above require some sort of college degree. In some cases, experience or technical school would work in place of college. If any of these careers are of interest to you, the easiest way to decide whether or not college is necessary to get the job is to search job postings for the position you’re working towards. Many colleges are starting to develop esports and gaming specific degrees that could compliment your degree and make you stand out for a job in the industry. If you want to become a professional esports player, but also want to go to college, there are many universities with esports programs for students to play in collegiate tournaments. Even if you don’t want to be a professional esports player, there are likely roles students can fill on the backend of the esports program to get esports experience before graduation. Most of the AEA staff actually met at university through an esports program before forming our nonprofit, the AEA!

Gaming and Esports, being fairly technology related industries, primarily utilize online job posting services. One of the easiest ways to get connected in the gaming industry is through Linkedin. It’s important to keep your LinkedIn up to date, and make use of gaming related hashtags in your posts. Most big gaming companies such as Riot or Microsoft will keep up to date postings on LinkedIn, and you could even score your dream job through the platform.

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